Article VIII: Recall of Officials

Section 1. Elected officials may be removed from office upon approval by a two-thirds majority of votes cast. A membership meeting shall be called by an elected official whose recall is not sought, upon petition, signed by not less than 20% of member households, provided that:

a. The petition shall state the reason(s) for the recall effort,

b. Notification of the meeting, accompanied by a copy of the petition, is distributed to members not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting,

c. The notice will inform members the removal of an elected official will be sought at the meeting, and that

d. Upon default of the responsibility of Directors, the meeting may be called by the petitioners when these notification procedures are followed.

Section 2. The meeting shall be presided over by an official whose recall is not sought, or, upon default of responsibility by Directors, by a representative of the petitioners.

Section 3. The official whose removal is sought will be provided an opportunity at the meeting to present his/her case to the membership.

Article IX

Bylaws TOC

Chandler Creek -- Lawrenceville, Georgia