Architectural Review Committee -- Applications, Process, and Procedure
Applications for home improvements (additions, exterior alterations, etc.), changes in exterior color, and fencing need to be submitted and approved prior to commencing work. It's not complicated -- simply complete the application, and submit it for review either by pressing the "Submit" button or by printing the form and delivering it by hand to an ARC Committee member or to a BOD Officer.
- ARC members are here to help you navigate through this process.
- ARC members meet twice each month to review all applications.
- ARC members are the final word on all application approvals and infractions.
- Formal inspection of all properties occur at least once per month; informal viewings, more frequently.
- Informal viewing or formal inspections can result in Architectural Letters of Infractions to homeowners delivered by mail or electronically from the president of CCHA.
- These letters are meant to give the homeowner a specific time frame to correct the infraction.
- If the infraction isn't corrected a 2nd letter will result, instructing the homeowner on when fines will begin to accrue.
- Once 3 months of fines have accrued, the ARC members are removed from the process.
Lawyers, liens, and collection agencies are then employed to complete the enforcement of the infraction.
The overall goal of ARC members is to increase the value of all homes in the Chandler Creek neighborshood.